Monday, September 6, 2010

And the Beat Goes On!

Thank you to everyone who voted on Arla's fate!  

*Arla will continue as a single mother, but she has chosen to look for romance with new men!

Since we last saw Arla and her little family, Dolce her daughter has aged-up into a cute little girl.  Only time will tell if she is an appropriate heir for the Knight family legacy.

Dolce Knight
Since her birth, Dolce has shared her bedroom space with her mother's design studio.  Now that she's getting older, it's about time that Arla moved some furniture around in their small home, to make Dolce some personal space.

Dolce playing with her blocks, with her mothers desk in the background
One day, while Dolce was at school, Arla decided to decorate the second bedroom and surprise Dolce.  She started by selling the desk and chair in the living room, since she never uses it, and moved her studio desk to it's place.  Then she sold some of her design sketches and hung the ones that she is most proud of near her studio desk in the living room.  Then it was time to paint and redecorate Dolce's room! Arla painted the room a nice pink colour and bought new bedding and a new lamp shade to match.  The room looked great!

Arla deciding what to do with the second bedroom/studio.

The final product, Dolce's very own room!
Next on her list, Arla needed to find a new man to make all her baby dreams come true.  She was hired by George Dean, a local police officer, to style him a new wardrobe.  Arla had met him before, and having always loved a man in uniform, she was instantly smitten.  George seemed like the perfect guy to continue her family with!

Arla styling George at his home... and checking out the goods!

Always being a great flirter, Arla worked her magic on George and the two shared an intimate hug in his house before she left.

First steps in romance.

Arla's job as a stylist sometimes keeps her out late, and she misses time with her beloved family.  When Arla arrived home, she was happy to see that Dolce loved the redecoration of her bedroom, and after a nice chat, the two hugged before bedtime.

Family love!
As Arla was making herself a quick dinner, she heard a knock at the door and wondered who it could possibly be. 

It was George Dean!  Arla was very surprised, but also very happy.  The two shared a raunchy make-out session, and Dean stayed the night!  Unfortunately, Dean likes to take things slowly, and there was no baby making. :(

While Arla continued to work as a stylist for long hours, Dolce fared pretty well on her own at home.  I guess it's the life of a child of a single mother! 

Dolce working on her homework, wishing mom was home to help!
Arla had such a great night with George, that she snuck over to his house between clients at work that afternoon!  She was hoping that they would be able to start where they had finished off the night before.

George Dean's home.
Lucky Arla!  The two decided to try for a baby, and there was nice lullaby music to serenade them!  Arla also found out that George is family oriented, and hopes to be a prominent figure in his child's life, even if he and Arla never marry.

Making Knight baby #2.
The next day, Arla felt nauseous the whole day, but welcomed the feeling, knowing that she was pregnant.  Later in the day, she got a call from the salon asking her to head over to Don Lothario's house to do a makeover on him.  The whole way over to his house, Arla thought to herself, "Well maybe if he'd had a makeover while we were still together, we never would have broken up!Seeing Don's house shocked Arla... it was a dump.  Come on, how do you expect a professional woman to want you to be the father of her baby when you have a bail of hay in your living room?!

Arla professionally giving Don a makeover
For old times sake, and knowing that she was already pregnant with George's baby, Arla stole a few quick kisses from Don.

Happy kissing, but happy to leave too!
Later that evening, Arla experienced the wrath of being pregnant, and reminded herself to fix the bathroom sink before she has to be on all fours in the bathroom again.

Poor Arla!
The celebration of Dolce's birthday was the perfect opportunity for Arla to enjoy her family.  Thelma Parent came over to share cake.

Aging-up party for Dolce!
When Dolce aged-up she seemed to look much more like her mother Arla, than Don Lothario, although her body-type is much more like Don's.  Dolce had her photo taken to commemorate the event... classic though, she blinked!  I hope that isn't the photo they choose for her yearbook!

Head shot.

Dolce has great fashion sense like her mom.
Now that Dolce is older... than she was a few minutes ago, Arla decided to tell her about her pregnancy.  Dolce was overjoyed, and wanted to listen to her mother's tummy.  Arla was happy to find out that Dolce inherited the family-oriented trait when she aged-up.  Dolce is so excited to be a big sister!

Listening to the tummy.
Even though Arla was pregnant and on maternity leave, she realized how tight funds were going to get with the new baby, and the looming possibility of having to move to a larger house, so she took on a few clients at the salon... happy to not run into Don.  How awkward would that be, now that she's showing?

At the salon.
 At home, Arla tried to focus on the more important things in life, and helped Dolce with her homework.

Woken-up from a deep sleep by labour pains, Arla called herself a cab, while Dolce slept, and headed for the hospital to deliver baby #2!

he-he-hoo, he-he-hoo!
Welcome to the world, Kors Knight!

Like a strong, hardworked ox, Arla gave birth to her second child, and son of George Dean, Kors Knight.  She named him after her current favourite designer, Michael Kors. 

Arla and baby leaving the hospital.
Good thing Dolce is a heavy sleeper, because baby Kors is going to be sharing a room with her!  Although the personal space was nice, Dolce is excited to be sharing a room with her new brother.  Dolce jumped right in and started carrying for the new baby once he arrived home.

Dolce feeding baby Kors
Arla was exhausted, and little Kors and made a big journey into the world, so Dolce decided to make dinner for everyone the next night.  She's such a nice girl!

Dolce putting together an autumn salad.
When George came over to see his new baby, Arla told him about her fears of now ever achieving her lifetime wish of having 5 children, since she only has 15 days left of being an adult.  She told him that while she was in the hospital delivering baby Kors, she asked the doctor to give her a fertility treatment.  George was a little worried about the couple not being married, but once Arla's great kisses started, he was all for trying for another baby!

Arla and George woo hooing while Kors sleeps.
Arla made herself some horrible macaroni and cheese, but before it could be the thing to make her sick, she had to run of the bathroom with morning sickness!  Yay, a new baby is on the way!

Arla abandons her macaroni and cheese for the toilet!
Kors was a great baby, but it was time to age-up!  He wasn't too excited about it, and cried while everyone sang happy birthday to him.

After all the birthday festivities, Arla went to her bedroom to relax her pregnancy swollen feet, but was interrupted by labour pains!  Off to the hospital again!

Ooooh, shouldn't have serve spicy tacos with dinner!
Arla returned form the hospital with George at her side, and a basket of babies!  She has girl triplets!  They were appropriately named Versace, Gucci and Prada, completing her goal of having 5 children.  Now to complete her lifetime wish, she needs to raise each of them to teenagehood.

Three pink bundles of joy!
Arla and George prepared themselves for the night that lay ahead with three new babies and a toddler.  Luckily Dolce is a heavy sleeper and won't be disturbed by all the crying babies.  Arla was slightly worried, and called a nanny to help get them through the first night.  George tried to calm Arla down by offering her a slice of Kor's birthday cake.

What have we gotten ourselves into
The small Knight house began to look a bit crazy, with four cribs and one spilling out of the second bedroom into the living room.  Thankfully, they all got a few hours of sleep in between feedings and diapers changes!

The current set up of the Knight house
George even took rounds and woke-up early with little Kors when he wanted out of his crib.

Taking care of the babies quickly became a family affair, but even with the help of a nanny, things were quite hectic for awhile.  By the end of the weekend, George had to return to work, so everyone was nervous about losing his help.

Early morning baby care.
Once the babies were on a routine, Arla was overjoyed by being surrounded by her now big family, and worked with Kors to learn the important skills of being a toddler.

Arla teaching Kors how to walk, while George takes a television break.
It wasn't long however before the family became away of how small the house was for all seven of them (while George was helping out).  Dolce felt out of place.  George was always in the bathroom when she needed it, and she never had any personal space away from the babies!

George, don't you know that Dolce is neurotic and likes to brush her teeth 3 times a day
Eventually the excitement of having three new babies wore off, and George left the Knight home, as the chaos inside continued and Arla called in a nanny to help in George's absence.

George leaves the house, as the new nanny arrives.
Dolce loved her role as big sister, and tried her help her mom out as much as possible.  It would only be a few days before Arla herself had to return to work.

Dolce and Kors playing with the xylophone.
Dolce and the nanny caring for the babies and Kors.
 It had become painfully apparent that Arla and her brood would not be able to be comfortable in their little home for much longer.  Once the babies and Kors become children they will need their own rooms, and if Dolce is to stay in the house as the heir to the Knight family, she will need her own privacy to start her life as a young adult.

Arla began looking around the neighbourhood for new homes that would meet their needs, without the necessity of renovating.  With all her hard work, Arla is now an In Vogue Virtuoso, making an $840 per week stipend and about $600-$700 per client that she sees in their own home.  Even Dolce has taken on a job at the spa, in the spa specialist track to help out, and since her last raise make $55 per hour for 15 hours a week.

Arla has set her sights on a 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom home on the same street they are currently living on.  The home is listed at around $33 000.  With the price of their current home, $15 000, and the money they have saved $7 515, the family still has to raise over $10 000!  Things are going to be tight for awhile!

The home the Knights hope to move into soon!

1 comment:

  1. hi just discovered your link on facebook. im so glad that someone is finally doing a legacy in which your intention is to change lots. This makes it much more interesting. i cant wait for the next update.
